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Lt. Colonel
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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Oh I was looking at Clearview where you could buy Maxim ammo cans with these belts in the can for $17ish.. hell of cheap for the set if the belt works. I ordered a couple of boxes to try out.. but won't know for a while. Sadly it won't work with my pkm belt loader so it would have to be hand loaded.
  2. Well I just read somewhere that it could be used but since they are don't have the a half moon style link, it can't be run on a Russian style belt loader.
  3. Spartan, did you ever get it? Looks like their website is down now.. I hope they didn't scam you out of your $$ I tend not to buy anything they don't have in hand unless they have a very good track record of delivery.. even then I hesitate. If I recall this site only had drawings of the products.. which is a red flag to me. I had thought they were just designing the trigger and not have a real product yet, but if they were scamming, that would suck.
  4. Really didn't need it.. but what the hell. Thanks for the great deal.
  5. I know that some Maxim belts can be used on PKM, specifically the coiled link belts, but I was wondering if this type can be used on a PKM.
  6. Wow.. a new level of weird things with ATF then. Love to hear the outcome once it's done.
  7. Does the seller have the original Form 3/4 to look at? I always reference the information I put on my transfer forms from that sheet.due to the possibility it labeled incorrectly in the registry. One of my MG34 has a blank spot for manufacturing which I shoot my head when I got the approval to receive. One of the SBS I received had some other manufacturer/importer when it was a Benelli..
  8. My IOI was able to look up why I had the same SBS listed twice on my eForm. They looked it up and found that there was only one SBS listed under my business, and told me that likely it was error on the website. He seemed pretty good and helpful, but I may just have a good one.
  9. I wonder if they were originally incorrectly registered as Heckler and Koch. They do have mess ups like on the registry.
  10. So my IOI said for me to contact him if I ever needed to determine the status of an NFA item. He mentioned that the paperwork should indicate that it is a pre-86 but as mentioned, none of my paperwork shows that. I asked for clarification from him about it.
  11. Got a response from my IOI. "Due to the new state law, you cannot conduct transfers of “military style” weapons to law enforcement within the state of Washington; however, you can still conduct transfers to out-of-state law enforcement entities." So this is likely why it got denied. That really sucks. I guess the police can't buy M1 Grands.
  12. The forms do not tell you if the NFA item is pre86 or transferable. I have a few F3 and F4 that I just took a quick look at to just to confirm. I do not know what postie F3s look like. I will contact my IOI to ask about this. He told me the other day if I ever want to look up a firearm, contact him.
  13. Bowman accepts Zelle so that's not the only key factor. I accept Zelle as well. since I tire of credit card fees.. Now if they accept PayPal look out.
  14. Geez.. do you think this even has a chance to go through. Just seems like it covers so much that it would actually meet more resistance.
  15. I don't look at it that way.. reason being is that when you start limiting stuff at any level, the anti gun people are winning. It's just one more step into the coffin. Issue is once things are taken away.. it is more difficult to get those rights back. I'm very tired of having to fight the anti gun groups on the stuff they try to pull in the legislation. It's remarkable the amount of lies they do to push their agenda through.
  16. That law was such a stupid thing. The police can't use military surplus stuff (minus medical) so now WA state tax payers have to pay for stuff they need when they could have gotten it "free". Spartan pointed that out to me a few months ago.. I too was worried that this would include any MGs. I am wondering what Bellevue police dept is going to do.. If I recall correctly they are running some beautiful HK 416s. Well let us know what you find out.. Wish I thought to ask the IOI that was just here a couple hours ago about this.. Since I have his contact I'll just send him a email about it to see if he knows any details.
  17. Thanks. I was looking at them and also Legion USA for some Russian parts.
  18. Just wondering since they have some stuff I want. Thanks
  19. Never had a problem with PSA before.. Deal with them all the time.
  20. I may as well not that I mailed my payment already. Thanks.
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