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Please take a moment to review these rules.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this website. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this website to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violate of any law.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this website.

Our software uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a personalized experience when you browse this site.

Sturmgewehr.com and its administrators cannot assume the risks of doing business or receiving and acting upon information on these boards.  The risk is yours, so know the terms of the sale, return policies, conditions, type of payments and time of delivery.  It is BEST if you have this in writing, via letter, signed fax, or e-mail.  Please take precautions when dealing with sellers you have not dealt with before, and exercise due diligence in making sure they are who they represent themselves to be, and that they possess the item that they are offering to sell.  When purchasing high value items, it is highly advised to travel to see the item, and to interact with the seller in person.  This board is a classified ad website.  


We are very limited as to having any power to settle a dispute from a transaction on our boards.  You may contact us via e-mail and we will try to mediate the issue, however any decisions made in regards to transactions based on information exchanged on this board are your own, we do however reserve the right to suspend or ban anybody who we feel hasn’t upheld their responsibilities to the other party in a transaction.  

Board Rank and Membership Levels

Various membership levels are represented by ranks.


  • Seaman – Can post to the discussion boards, and respond to ads, but cannot create new ads, have storage for only 50 IMs, and no image hosting. During the board introduction, Seaman will be allowed to post ads for a limited period, after which they will need to upgrade their account to a Sergeant level or higher.
  • Corporal – Members who came to this site from our sister site, machinegunboards.com; have the benefits of the Seaman level, plus they can post non-commercial ads to the Buy/Sell forums. Corporals have storage for 100 IMs, but have no image hosting abilities as part of the sturmgewehr.com galleries. After the first year, the Corporal rank will lose it’s ability to post ads, and will need to upgrade to a Sergeant level to do so.
  • Sergeant –  have the benefits of the Seaman level, plus they can post non-commercial ads to the Buy/Sell forums. Sergeants have storage for 223 IMs, but have no image hosting abilities as part of the sturmgewehr.com galleries. 
  • Lieutenant – Adds the ability to have a custom Avatar, 556 IMs, and the ability to host images at time of posting and in the sturmgewehr.com galleries, to aid in the posting of ads.




  • Captain – Allows for commercial level posting of up to 5 ads a year, plus 5 gallery images. Users have the same privileges that have Sergeants in other respects. This is the equivalent of a National Guard commission, and is designed for the dealer who only needs a few ads a year.
  • Major - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 10 ads a year, and attaching images to their ads. Users have the same privileges that Sergeants have in other respects.
  • Lt. Colonel - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 15 ads a year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, and 556 IMs.
  • Colonel - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 30 ads a year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, plus 762 IMs.
  • 1 Star General - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 100 ads a year,  have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, plus 1022 IMs.
  • 2 Star General - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 130 ads a year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, plus 1022 IMs.
  • 3 Star General - Allows for commercial level posting of up to 160 ads a year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, plus 1022 IMs.
  • 4 Star General - Allows for commercial level posting up to 250 ads a year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, custom avatar, plus 1022 IMs.
  • Admiral - Allows for commercial level posting of an unlimited number of ads per year, have additional storage for attaching images to ads, 3030 IMs, and a banner ad in the sturmgewehr.com rotation (banner ads are not available separately).  There are only 5 theaters of operation at the Admiral level, listed in the 2016 Defense budget.


Posting on Buy/Sell Boards


  • Sturmgewehr.com allows individuals and commercial entities alike to post to the Buy/Sell boards.  We ask that all commercial users (those who sell the same item in large quantities, operate under a business name, selling for profit, or possessing an FFL, etc) upgrade their accounts to a commercial account. This can be done by emailing site@sturmgewehr.com or by going to the Sturmgewehr.com Store .  During the transition period to the new board format, we will offer a grace period for commercial and non-commercial users to become familiar with the new format, after which users will be encouraged to upgrade to the account level that suits their needs.
  • Post as many items as you wish within your designated ranks abilities, but please limit non-commercial posts to 4 on the 1st page of each section at any given time, and for commercial users 8 ads on the 1st page (4 Star Generals and Admirals are asked to use their best judgment as officers, and not carpet bomb the boards, but they have operational authority to post as many ads as necessary).  Do not bump ads unless they have been posted for 2 weeks or more.  This means that if you post an ad, you must wait at least 2 weeks before you reply to it for the purpose of bumping it back to the top of the page.
  • There are no system limitations to the number of images that you may post per ad, but please be realistic in the abilities of the audience you are trying to reach in terms of bandwidth and screen size.  Image size limits are 2MB each, which is about 20 times what is realistically needed to post an image of sufficient quality and serving speed. 
  • Feel free to consolidate multiple items into one ad (especially for commercial members – it will conserve your post count).
  • All posts should contain very accurate description(s) of the item(s) for sale, what city and state the item is located in, as well as the terms of the sale.
  • All posts should contain the price of the item being sold within the ad text – placing the price in the title is optional.
  • Do not post the same item in multiple market forums, or multiple times in the same forum.
  • The use of tags in the subject of an ad is reserved for Captain and above.
  • When posting items, if you are not prepared to ship or deliver the item in a timely fashion, please do not post that item here. If you are unable to respond to emails, please also do not post here. The same applies to buyers; if you are unable to arrange for payment with a seller in a timely fashion, please do not begin a purchase you might not be able to complete.  Do not list items for sale that you do not have in your immediate possession, and/or to which you do not legally own title. 
  • Please do not flame or comment on pricing... If the price is too high, then don't buy it.
  • Do not delete text within the ad; this information is valuable to others in helping gauge the market, instead update your ad with sold or strike through your price in addition to sold.
  • Please do not link ads to auction sites.  Ads that are posted in parallel to, or are used to promote, drive traffic to, or result in a buyer conducting transactions on an auction site for items advertised on Sturmgewehr.com are not allowed.  Choose to list your item here, or on an auction site.  Do not list in on both simultaneously.
  • Sturmgewehr.com administrators reserve the right to remove any post that they see as inappropriate, suspect, or illegal or otherwise not in the best interest of the boards.
  • Sturmgewehr.com administrators reserve the right to ban, cancel, or otherwise restrict user accounts based on their actions, as deemed necessary for the good of the community.

Posting on Forums Boards

Forums are for information exchange.  This forum is NOT to be used for personal attacks, malicious comments, improper or illegal information exchange. All questionable posts will be removed!   Any complaints with products or services should first be addressed person to person, not on the forums boards.

General Note on Board Usage

Sturmgewehr.com is a private forum – the administrators reserve the right to remove posts and run the board as seen fit. Sturmgewehr.com also reserves the right to refuse access to anyone, for any reason.



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