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$50 Brand New type of 3rd hole jig - ONLY WILL SELL TO FFL-SOT license holders


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So we have a new 3rd hole jig that works on BOTH sides of the lower.  Past ones only worked on one side which could cause problems and you would need a drill press to accurately guide the pin & it was the only complaint with that past with this type of jig .  With ours you just need a standard hand drill to drill both sides.  This is a brand new design that has never been made before.  Hardened drill bushings for a lifetime of accurate surface. Aluminum with hardened pressed fit steel bushings and pins.  

Just contact us, but we will have you send us a copy of your FFL & SOT. We will only ship to the addresses on the FFL& SOT license. 

$50 each with $8.95 flat shipping.  https://www.cryostructure.com/product/sot-micro-jigs/




Edited by Cryostructure
told to edit it with purchase link
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