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21 years and STILL the best C3 site!!

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Thank you again to Andy and David.

It's time to renew my yearly subscription, and I can't think of another $20 I've spent on anything else that has has greater and more rewarding returns than my membership at Sturmgewehr.

I've been a regular here for the entire 21 years and I've had some of the best times ever right here. Can't say I don't miss the "wild West" days here cause I do. I had some real fun times with Murray torturing the maggots that used to spam and cause trouble here. I miss ol' Neanderthal and our shenanigans!!

I just sold the last piece of my 30 year collection, and although bitter sweet, that piece is back home to it's original owner and it was a good deal for all.

Now that the dust has settled from the "other" board, and all of the hoopla and promises made were not kept, I see more and more "refugees" from the old snubguns board here.

For those "refugees" that scoffed at my previous post here about this place being the "BEST" C 3 site on the net....whatcha think now...HMM?

A person's words and promises are worthless when not kept. Looks like ya'll were sold a bill of goods. Glad you decided to join.

Told you so.

Sturm #1 C3 board on the net, bar none.


Thanks Andy and David,


Stuck in the Blackface KKK Governor, baby killing state of Virginia.

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