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Everything posted by Doc_Glock

  1. Hello all. This is my first post. I am an optometrist, and had to sign up just to comment here. I agree with all that's been said here. Both glaucoma and eye/brain tumors are fairly rare, but do happen. And, like many other medical conditions, can be detected in the eyes during an eye examination. How often should you get your eyes checked? Who cares, just do it somewhat routinely in general, and promptly if you experience any new and unusual vision changes, especially if your medical condition includes hypertension, diabetes, or strong family history of eye disease. When people ask me what's the likely hood of this or that condition to occur, I always tell them, "It's like getting hit by a car in the parking lot, it's 100% if you're the one, and it's 0% if you're not."
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