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SOLD: Colt SMG (Model 635)


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All original, "HT", fully transferable, Colt Sub-machine gun.  Caliber is 9mm.  Model is M16A2.  Excellent condition.  Runs flawlessly. Shoots sub-sonic loads no problem.  Full auto rate of fire is 670 RPM.  These are scarce, and don't come up for sale that often.  This one is perfect based on my experience with it.  I have been running it with a patented fire control group that protects against trigger slap and unwanted stress and strain on the trigger and hammer pins.  This issue is sometimes present with M16 9mm guns in full auto.  However, this unit never demonstrated any problem whatsoever in its original configuration.  But at the request of the buyer I will include this customized FCG (hammer, trigger, disconnector).  I recommend it for any select fire M16 9mm.

$41,800.  Check or wire transfer.  On a form 4 in Arizona.  Price includes one transfer and shipping.  Please email me at nfa@aznuge.com to purchase or to ask questions.

Pictures are here.

They include some ROF analysis with various upper configurations.  But no additional uppers are included.

Included are the original SMG with one magazine, and the custom FCG if requested.

Edited by nuge
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