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SPF PRICE REDUCED M50 Reising .45 C&R $5500


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PRICE DROP 8/7........$5500 you pay shipping.

From my inventory, a C&R fully transferable parkerized .45 M50 Reising up for sale currently on a Form 3 in MA.  That means it transfers to your dealer without a tax stamp.  Cleared funds begin the transfer.  PM me if interested and if you want more pics.

One mag comes with it.

Possible trades for US WW II all original Pre May Samples or no letter Post May Samples.

Manny Pacheco

Mannite Engineering LLC

Type 07 Class 2

Littleton, Mass


20160801_160435.jpg20160801_160337.jpg20160801_155704.jpg20160801_155756.jpgFrom my per




Edited by MannyP
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hello Manny. how long have you owned m50 reising? any mechanical isues? hows bore?how long does it take for a transfer. is it true that you no longer have to have a signed law enforcement letter to send in to the A.T.F? thanks, Rodney. I have owned 1 class 3 rifle in the past.

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    That's correct.  After Jul 12 of this year, you no longer need a CLEO signature. This was done to prevent local law enforcement from enacting de facto bans on NFA items.  However, 41F requires you to notify your CLEO that you are acquiring an NFS item.  You now need to mail or deliver a copy of your form 4 to local law enforcement.

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