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Opportunity to buy

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I’ve never posted on here before, but I’ve lurked for a few years. I’m an 07/02 and was recently contacted with a unique opportunity. An older customer has a pre-86 transferable Mac 11 and 4 position fnc paratrooper? both are pre 86 and transferable. He’s willing to take 8 and 17. That’s a lot of cash outlay and I am fairly unsure of the market, would have to take equity out of my house… any advice would be appreciated.

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Those are both priced to where (if they are in good shape) if you didn't want them, you could probably buy them and, between all the other costs, make maybe $2k a piece by selling them to someone else.  Whether that is worth your time and energy (and having to take equity out of your house) is up to you.

I would argue that FNC is the better price relative to the market.  But if you're looking for a shooter, I have known a few people with FNCs, and none of them have put serious rounds through them / their FNCs are near the top in their "first to sell if I need cash" machine guns pile.

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Those prices are good (if condition is good), but they’re not great in terms of what it takes to get the deal done. What I mean by this is two fold: #1 they’re presumably on F4s, there is time associated with getting those transferred into your SOT so you can release them back into the market and get a return on your investment (NFA items are worth more on F3s). #2 you have to take out a home equity line of credit to buy these which I personally would not do considering the moderate upside (only a few thousand bucks once it’s all said and done).  If you don’t have surplus cash to float the deal then I'd urge you to find another way.  

If I were you, I’d try to work out a consignment deal with your customer.  Get them on a F3 ASAP, then once approved post them here immediately and sell them quickly. Take a margin for yourself that’s reasonable and move on


Aside:  the FNC’s historically have been entry-level rifle caliber MGs, but like others in that category (example, the AC556) they’re becoming more desirable and prices are on the rise. I would argue at the FNC is a great investment right now for any collector because parts are becoming more and more available. @fuatos (fantastic guy) has plenty of spare parts for the FNC and I’m trying to fill in the gaps where I’m able. Most recently, a domestically manufactured spare bolt has become available (the bolt is the perceived weak point in that system).  Well… with those parts now available, I would have to think prices are going up.  They take STANAG (standard AR15) magazines and shoot the ubiquitous 5.56 Nato /.223 Remington caliber.  Don’t get me wrong, they’ll never be worth as much as an M-16 variant, but I totally get that.

here’s where to buy an FNC bolt  navgunner.com  or contact @fuatos for all your needs  



Edited by Navgunner
adjust for clarity
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I'm relatively new to the Class 3 world, so not going to opine about the prices, but I will say that it's generally a bad idea to borrow against one's home for tangible property unless you're getting it at screaming fire sale prices.  Navgunner's advice is really, really good.

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I have to agree that borrowing against equity would not be the best idea, unless you know that you're going to be able to flip these guns quickly enough to make your profit and pay back the loan immediately. Otherwise, if you intend to keep them then yeah, it might be worth the amount of interest you'll pay on the loan.

Both guns are desirable and priced under current market, but there's not a lot of profit to be made at those prices. They are definitely priced right for a buyer looking for one. FNC's are regularly priced between 20K and 22K. As an FNC owner I'd say that 17K is an excellent deal. As for MAC's, they're averaging above 10K right now.  So, again, both are priced right for an end user but not so much for a dealer, unless you don't mind making a small profit for a bit of work. The advice to take them on consignment sounds like the best course of action.

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