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WTS: PM MG34 8mm WaA63 Codes $10,000 OBO


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Nice condition 8mm MG34 PM Dealer Sample.  Not a matching numbers weapon.  I believe it is a Burnn manufactured piece.  For the more serious collector, I have available for sale, a Lafette Tripod, two original ammo cans, 2 extra barrels, one with full assembly and bipod, extra top plate, several bolts, two original bakelite stocks, a basket drum and a HASAG saddle drum with a trommelhalter and probably some additional items I have forgotten to mention, price negotiable.  I would prefer to sell everything as a package but will sell just the weapon for $10k.  Trades (as adjusted for value) for a transferable M-16 considered (and preferred).  Pics avail upon request.   PH:  541.808.1960 EM:  cwbelknap@gmx.com    Thank you                                          


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