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Post dealer sample AR-10

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Hello. I am an 07 SOT.

I am trying to put together a post dealer sample FA AR-10 and am having trouble. I have an AR-10 FA fire control group complete, and I was under the impression that I had a FA bolt carrier but something is wrong. The bolt carrier does not trip the sear when it comes forward. Again, I have the AR-10 sear and full auto hammer.

I asked the place I sourced the fire control group from and they said I needed a "modified" full auto bolt carrier. I've never heard of such a thing but I am not all knowing either. This place sells one but apparently they are moving facilities and won't be producing anything until late February at the earliest. 

I can find bolt carriers in stock that say full auto but not modified. Is this a thing? Where should I source these parts? What am I missing?

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is extremely hard to convert an ar10 using a ginsear type set up.  There is no fa ar10 trigger kit.  All parts must be custom made or modified the sear bcg receiver and cuatome made hammer.  Regular Dias will not work.  The easiest way is to build a post sample lightning link or get a trans one ad do it that way.   Trust me yoy spend shit ton of money trying to do gi sear and it'll never run 100 pct.  Call me if y9y need some advise done them both ways 

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