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USGI Issue Depot Level M60 Armorer's Tools - Photos and Info

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   I have never seen any of these tools before and wanted to share photos of them..... I got all of these as a set from an Old Armorer who used them in the military... These specific ones are Depot Level Maintenace tools.... Used in places like Aniston Army Depot... M60s would be sent there when they sustained damage or had issues that required more than common replacement parts to fix. 

   All of these were issued items and numbered. You can see on each item a number stamped. Had I not been contacted and offered this set, I would have never known these even existed. 

    I will be putting them back to work fixing M60s. I would guess maybe 10-20 guns per year come through here for inspection and repair. 

Aaron - Mohnton, Pa



M60 Trigger Group Straightening Fixture: Used to correctly re-space the inside of trigger groups and also get any bends out (which can happen if you abuse them enough)



M60 Channel Straightening Fixture: Used to repair bends / waves in the charging handle slot on the channel. These bends are common from clearing hard james and just beating on the gun in general. Once the bends are bad enough, the gun is no longer serviceable. 




M60 Stabilizing Fixture: This tool has the armorer's name engraved on it still "G. LEE". Per his info, it was used to keep the M60 level on the work bench and prevent swaying and movement. It is a heavy weighted block and quick attaches to the T&E Plate. 





M60 Broken Shell Extractor:  



Edited by Aaron in Mohnton Pa
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