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WTB Clean Colt 601 upper receiver, bakelite handguards, small parts


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Looking for a nice/clean condition original Colt 601 upper receiver. Not looking for a new/reproduction piece. Stripped upper is fine, but will consider a complete upper with barrel as well. Also looking for a nice set of green or black painted over green bakelite handguards. Finally, looking for a 601 bolt catch, fat head firing pin, firing pin retainer, or really any other lower parts.

Depending on condition willing to pay up to about $1500 for a very nice upper receiver, and up to about $2000 for the perfect set of hand guards.

I also have a 601 receiver now is in more of a battlefield pickup condition. Still fairly good, but there's a couple spots of wear. I would also be willing to swap receivers with cash added on my side.


Edited by IMR7828
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