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(SPF) Transferable HK MP5K Fleming sear w/ SP89 host (T.Dyer) $55k


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Transferable HK MP5K Fleming sear in a 4 position trigger pack with an original German SP89 host done by Terry Dyer. I purchased this package 4 years ago and am looking to move it to fund another platform. This is a two stamp gun; the sear being the MG and the host as an SBR. EOTECH optic not included, but will  leave genuine HK claw mount on. This is a beautiful setup and an absolute laser. Always extremely well taken care of and put in a climate controlled safe after each/every use. Prefer to keep together but might be willing to separate under the right conditions. Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you need any details.

Included are: (2) brand new HK mp5 mags in factory plastic

                         (2) brand new HK "restricted law enforcement/government use only" 30 rd mags

                         (1) factory HK 10 rd mag

                         (6) factory HK straight 30 rd mags

                         (1) factory HK 30 rd "used" mag


 Fleming SEAR and SBR on two FORM 4's located in Texas. 

Email me at ivwilliamshields@gmail.com

$55,000 + shipping/insurance to your dealer








Edited by CircularSquare88
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  • CircularSquare88 changed the title to (SPF) Transferable HK MP5K Fleming sear w/ SP89 host (T.Dyer) $55k

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