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NO Law Letter- Bulgarian Krink 7.62x39 and Ruger 10/22


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Giving up my SOT and have a Krink to get rid of.

1. Started as a new early factory Bulgarian 7.62x39 kit from K-Var with factory barrel and built on a Childers receiver. Runs great with and without suppressor/subsonic.

4-500 rounds fired

comes with sling and 1 mag.

must have current FFL/SOT.

$3,100 shipped UPS  SOLD

A few options for payment


2. I have 5 4 3 2 1 Ruger standard 10/22, wood stock, open bolt design. runs great  $1500 shipped - all spoken for

krink 1.jpg

krink 2.jpg

ruger 1.jpg

Edited by Kested
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