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WTS: 120 rounds of 7.62x39-8M3 “Effect” Ulyanovsk Ammo **Price Drop**


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I have 120 rounds of 7.62x39 8M3 ammo for sale. This is the 124 GR. HP (internally segmented) non-corrosive ammo manufactured by Ulyanovsk Machinery Plant in Russia.

 Comments from multiple gun boards state the following:

 That’s where the 8M3 “effect” bullet from Ulyanovsk comes in. Loads made using this hollow point bullet with internal scoring on the jacket developed a formidable reputation for brutal terminal performance. Unfortunately, the last lots using this bullet were imported several decades ago. The numbers are excellent. Approximately 2,400 fps velocity with an ideal penetration depth of 14.7 inches. This meets the FBI recommended minimum of 12″ without exceeding the max recommendation. The disruption produced is astounding and leaves nothing to be desired with extensive fragmentation, but the size of the fragments are of a size that is large enough to cause significant wounding. The neck, that is the distance the bullet travels before starting to yaw, fragment, or expand, is so short that it is barely measurable.”


Price is $150.00  $110.00 per 120 rounds. I have a couple 120 round lots available.  Last lot available.

Price includes standard UPS shipping. I will not ship to any STATE, COUNTY, CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, HAMLET and/or CROSSROADS that does not allow ammo to be shipped to their jurisdiction.

Payment by check or money order.

This ad is cross posted.


Ammo effect.jpg



Edited by AirCav73
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