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WTS - Transferable Ruger KAC556F - Excellent condition $18K (SOLD)

RCM Limited

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Selling a factory Ruger KAC 556F SMG in Excellent condition. The firearm comes with four mags. It was not shot by the current owner. It was purchased years ago, oiled, and stored. It is a safe queen. All NFA rules apply. S&H plus Insurance extra. 





Edited by RCM Limited
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  • RCM Limited changed the title to WTS - Transferable Ruger KAC556F - Excellent condition $18K
  • 1 month later...

I will not testify to this in court but I'm remembering Ruger using the letter 'K' to signify a stainless steel item up until ??. This will not be marked on the receiver (IE: KAC-556) but rather on the packaging. My oldest Ruger was shipped in 1949 according to the factory letter and as far as I can tell it never had a real model number. Some new Rugers arrived here this week and they all have a five digit number (SKU) for the different models with no letters. But there were a lot of differences in between. Rugerhas used the numbers only for 20 or so years by my guess.

The old part number breakdown goes like this IIRC: 'AKC-556-F', the first letter 'K' is for stainless, the 'AC-556' is the model, the 'F' is for 'folder'. I have read where there were AC-556 folders with the longer barrels but have never encountered one. The Mini-14 versions are a different story. I've also read where the 'K' was for kurtz, but I doubt that.

The AC's are fun to shoot and reliable. Use good mags and you'll be happy. 

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The Ruger is Stainless NOT Blued. The form 4 is at the office so I don't have access to it at the moment but I am 99% sure it says KAC-556F and not "K". I will verify tomorrow and respond back if I am wrong. The smg is a factory gun with a genuine Ruger folding stock. I have not fired the weapon but selling if for a widows estate. The gun was purchased years ago and put in a safe, it was not fired by the previous owner either. 

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You're correct in designation. KAC-556F means stainless short barrel folder. AC-556K means blued short barrel folder, KAC-556 means stainless 18" barrel, AC-556 means blued 18" barrel.


Edited by SAMMY!
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