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WTS HK DLO Registered Transferable Trigger Frame / Box


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Registered transferable DLO HK SEF trigger frame / trigger box.  Currently at my local gun shop ready to transfer out by Form 3.  Price is $34,000, plus the actual cost of shipping and insurance.

Payment to be by Cashier's Check issued by one of the following banks:  Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, US Bank or Wells Fargo; or USPS Money Orders.  Plenty of 100% positive feedback on multiple sites available for review upon request.  Also, feel free to do a reference check on me here as well.

Wcbrowning has been my username for many years, and so too has this email address:  wcNObrowning@hotSPAMmail.com

Remove the words NO and SPAM from the email address.




Edited by wcbrowning
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