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Suppressor's to South Africa

David Basha

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Does any one have any knowledge or actual legal citation of traveling from the US to South Africa with a rifle suppressor.  Going in June to hunt and it is not illegal to own a suppressor in South Africa and they hunt with them all the time.   Consider rude in fact not to have one when hunting.  I can have one made there but rather take my own.


thank you in advance for any help


David Basha




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It's been at least a decade since I last hunted Africa, but I filled out a Certificate of Registration For Personal Effects Taken Abroad https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/CFR-2011-title19-vol2/CFR-2011-title19-vol2-sec148-1

I'd say check with U.S. Customs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, polytech86 said:

How much does it cost to have one made there? Perhaps some of the expense can be offset by renting one or selling the one made for you. Even if neither pans out, I cannot imagine the hassle of appealing to the ATF to export and import a silencer.

That would really depend on a couple of things. Value of the Dollar to the Rand. If it would be purchased in Dollars or Rands. If you could get an export permit here would be your biggest hurdle.

I doubt they would allow the purchase to a foreigner. South Africans are pretty resticted in gun ownership. The transfers go thru local police station & 10+ years ago that could take 3 years your purchase would be tied up. In the 10 years I hunted things changed drastically. 20+ years ago you could bring a revolver with you & carry it on your person. I remember seeing suppressors in gun shops & they were cheap. Then again most things in the gun shops were cheap, from the American embargo on RSA. Ranches I hunted every owner seeing my S&W 629 wanted to trade game for it under the table.

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What Straightgrain said. The chances of State allowing you to do this is somewhere between none and none. Especially to South Africa.

As well, you cannot file the DSP 73 yourself, you will need someone registered with DDTC to do it. Don't count on someone like that to waste their time with this. You could offer me $1K regardless of outcome and I wouldn't take it. Spend that money on some real good in-ear electronic ear pro from ESP.


Good Luck on the hunt!


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