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WTS: CPS Sterling L2A3, NIB, Unfired


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If you missed out on one of the six of these that were sold earlier this year as part of Richard Winters estate sale, I have one that I am now offering for sale.  It is new and has never been fired.  It has all of the accessories, including the finely crafted presentation case that these collector grade firearms are known for.  Rick's attention to detail in crafting these 1958 L2A3 replicas, on DLO tubes, is renown.  He received tooling advice directly from none other that David Howroyd, the manufacturing manager at Dagenham.  I am not sure how many of these he built, but they surely will be collectible and even heirloom firearms.  Although I have not fired this one,  I have fired another one of these that I owned and have since sold - and it ran flawlessly.  If you are lucky enough to own an original L2A2 Sterling (which I did), this 1958 version of the L2A3 would make a fine enhancement to your collection.  For me, there have been some MGs in my collection that I know I will never shoot, and this is one of them.  With mild regret I am letting this one go too.

The price is $21,500 which includes shipping and one transfer tax.  This L2A3 Sterling is on a Form4 in Arizona. To purchase or ask questions, please contact me at nfa@aznuge.com

Pictures are here. These include some taken of this unit by Rick during the manufacturing process, and also a copy of the F4.

The CPS Website is still up

Edited by nuge
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