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SOLD AR15/M16 Colt RR Conversion $29,500 c-txt c-pics

Scott Y

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Ok, to be 100% upfront I am listing this firearm for a friend.   It is cross posted.

 WTS a Colt registered receiver AR15/M16 conversion.  It started life as a factory Colt firearm and at some point prior to 1986 was registered and converted to M16 specs.  It is on a Form 4 in Ohio.  The gun has been to the range one time and run with a few magazines.  The owner is a HK guy so while this gun is awesome and would make an excellent shooter he is not in love with it.

Price: $29,500.00

Email me for questions etc.  I can provide his contact information to interested parties.  Obviously serious buyers can inspect it in person, but it is about as clean as they come and works 100%.

This firearm was purchased from: High Speed Low Drag in Valley City Ohio.  The owner, Bob provided the following story about this gun and its conversion:

The gun started life as a factory Colt semi auto.  The guy who converted it was a Colt certified armorer; his information is listed on the side of the receiver.  Back in the day (olden times) Colt sold full auto parts to their dealers included with the gun with the option of the dealer completing the registration process and drilling the receiver for the full auto sear.  

I have never heard such a story before, and can not comment on the truth or falsity of said story.  I can say that having personally owned a Frankford Arsenal M16 14 years ago this gun is 100x better in that all Colt uppers tested fit without an issue.  If you are looking for a really clean low mileage shooter this is the one.

Thanks for looking.

Contact me through this site.

Here is a link to pictures:


Edited by Scott Y
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