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M11/9 preferred ammo


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Hey everybody, I recently purchased an swd m11/9 and was curious what ammo runs well in these. Im waiting on the form 4 and have only had the opportunity to shoot it once since then. Ran great with my 115gr "range" handloads but it didn't like palmetto AAC brand ammo (lots of FTEs and FTFs). What have you guys found runs good for you in these types of guns? Looking to stock up on 9mm ammo. Also curious how these run with hollow points. Thanks!

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Winchester white box, Federal American Eagle, S&B, Blazer Brass & Fiocchi all worked great for me. The only brand that ever gave me trouble was Remington UMC. Definitely seems to be loaded less hot than everything else. And as already mentioned, round nose only. Most of the 147 grain offerings out there have a flat point FMJ bullet that can cause feed issues.

Edited by tommyboy
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Thanks for the info! I was looking at picking up some winchester white box. Makes sense with it only feeding good with round nose bullets, I tend to not use flat points. Also, I think it does help if it's loaded on the hotter side, the AAC ammo I tried seemed a little on the weak side and was giving me issues. Good to know about Remington umc. I'll probably not buy any of that.

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6 hours ago, BPinFL said:

Magazines are very important.  Get some aftermarket steel mags. If it doesn't run on one brand of round nose FMJ, try a different mag.

Definitely. I have some metal zmags and plastic zytel mags. Had a slight more amount of success with the zmags across the two types of ammo I had on hand at the time. All good information, I appreciate everyone who has commented!

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My M11/9 with the Lage upper would eat most anything. It cycles well suppressed  with 147 grain flat point ammo.

I had problems with PPU ammo firing out of battery, leaving a bulge near the rim. It must be soft primers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

S&B SB9A (115gr) or SB9B (124gr) runs all day long. Also good luck with Magtech 124gr. About all I shoot in the FA's.....

MP5, MP5K, MP5SD, MP5-RS (Mike Turner build), M11/9, Sterling (115gr.-only, especially on a MK5 suppressed gun), M11a1/Lage, Uzi Full-size & mini with tungsten bolt, MP40, AR Colt in 9mm, short barrel & suppressed. 

I use no reloads, just high quality, fresh commercial ammo. With good 9mm back to 200-250-ish for 1000, why risk it.......

I don't and have never had a problem.




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Good info, thank you. I agree it's not much worth reloading 9mm right now with cost of primers still sky high and with 9mm at a consistent .25cpr. However the benefit is that you can tune your ammo to your specific gun, and make stuff that is normally much more expensive such as hollow point ammo. For an mg though I'm just figuring out what bulk fmj to get already made right now, I will look into getting some s&b 9mm as others have said here. Thanks again!

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My experience with the gun when they first came out was ammo wasn't the issue with reliability, but the magazines were. It's definitely one of the few guns where you are wasting time and money buying OEM magazines and expecting reliable functioning. The other would be the West Hurley Thompson's that have not been reworked to accept USGI parts. If you can find reliable steel magazines, stick with them.




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