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Nice idea but........................

Arkady Kobach

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I’m all for repealing the 34 NFA. But first we need repeal of 922(o) and the 68 GCA. 922(o) makes all MGs illegal, except those owned pursuant to the 34 NFA and in the registry prior to 5/19/86. It’s also worth pointing out that most states that allow MGs have language in their law that make lawful ownership pursuant to compliance with the 34 NFA. It’s a huge can of worms and requires a well thought out, well crafted approach. We need scotus victories, not legislation. 

Start by bringing suit over pistol braces. Argue that they are indeed used as stocks, that there are tens of millions of such pistols with braces in common use, and remove SBRs and SBSs from NFA regulation. While at it, remove AOW from NFA regulation by showing that angled fore grips are functionally identical to a vfg. Argue that the whole premise that a handgun is meant to be shot one handed is a product of a bygone era before people really understood how best to employ a pistol. This ain’t Olympic silhouette shooting. All pistols are shot two handed.


Next, go after the 68 GCA, especially the bullshit sporting clause. 

Then go after 922(o).


All in court. So it’s clear that it’s the law of the land.


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Watch out what you wish for. If they repeal the NFA, (as much as we all dislike it), then the next step they would take, given the chance, would be to just make all machine guns illegal. Sure, I find the NFA cumbersome,( I can live with that, it was around long before I was born), but the real issue is the'86 amendment to the FOPA, and the current importation restrictions.

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18 hours ago, GUNBUGS said:

Watch out what you wish for. If they repeal the NFA, (as much as we all dislike it), then the next step they would take, given the chance, would be to just make all machine guns illegal. Sure, I find the NFA cumbersome,( I can live with that, it was around long before I was born), but the real issue is the'86 amendment to the FOPA, and the current importation restrictions.

68 GCA and 922(o) are the most important targets.

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