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Need Help Identifying Country that these leather Mag Pouches Are From for Suomi (M31) and Swedish K (M45) SMGs


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Hi All, I have several Leather Mag Pouches for Coffin-style Mags for Suomi M31 and Sweidsh K M45 SMGs.
I believe that these 1-pocket, 4-cell Carriers were From Sweden and would like to confirm that is the case.

I Can't find info on where the Carrier that has two seperate pockets with an inner liner holding 4 mags total comes from. They Say what appears to be 'Ruchti Sattler' with a Letter Under what looks like may be a Swiss Cross?

Anyone know anything? Thanks.

first type:



second type:



Edited by Greasegunner
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First type has 3 pointy crowns stamped near the top of the back side.  This is Swedish.  I have a couple like this. I also have one that has the side pouch for the night sights.  It has a different Swedish crown stamp (rounded crown over crossed cannons?). This other crown is similar (rounded vs pointy crowns) to the metal stamps on gun parts.  The metal stamps on gun parts do not have the lower crossed cannons (if that's what they are).  Both the pointy and rounded crowns show up on mags. Some mags just have "MADE IN SWEDEN".  Didn't see a crown of any type on that mag... 

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