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UZI Model A Registered Bolt Host Package $3,250


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For sale only is my UZI Model A Registered Bolt Host Package; only available to people residing in free states (where legal).  Despite this being currently configured as a general Title 1 firearm, ALL NFA RULES still APPLY,!  Know your laws if you plan to reconfigure, even if you just want to SBR it!  This is a complete package with nothing else needed except a registered bolt!  you get everything shown pictured which is a carbine length 9mm semi auto rifle but there are also all components needed to drop in your NFA Registered bolt and get shooting.  If you're a SOT wanting to build a bolt gun this is perfect.  I much prefer selling to a licensed dealer face-to-face if possible but am willing to discuss other options too.  



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  • Navgunner changed the title to UZI Model A Registered Bolt Host Package $3,250

answering a couple of questions 

1. This host still has the blocking bar and restrictor ring intact, but all other previsions have been made for conversion minus a modified (NFA registered) bolt.  Depending on your needs / resources, registered bolts are great options for post-samples due to their ease of conversion by SOT manufacturers, or for those transferable bolt owners still needing a host or wanting a spare (complete) package.  

2. @plumber3613 yes, a non-dealer can absolutely buy this (if they reside in a free state) but the buyer would need to use a FFL for transfer and complete form 4473.  Also, if you don't have proof-of-ownership of a registered UZI bolt or UZI SBR than I can't release the 10.5" barrel.  

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