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WTS: Transferables & Post Sample: UZI, STEN's, Winchester M1/M2


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I have a few Transferable Machine guns that are currently in transfer to my license. These will transfer to your dealer on a form 3. Buyer pays shipping of their choice, insurance available upon request. If your from Oklahoma I can handle the transaction direct to you. I do eforms. 

1. Metrotech UZI A 9mm machine gun. This gun comes with the parts to make it a 45acp, 1-45 mag. 2- 9mm Mags. Price $19,995.00

2. Wilson Arms Co. STEN MKII w/ Silencer and regular barrel. 9mm machine gun. Price $9,500.00

3. York Arms Co. STEN MKII 9mm machine gun. Price $8995.00

4. Winchester M1/M2 Carbine. Very Good Condition. .30 Cal. machine gun. Price $14,999.00

5. I have a RPD in 7.62x39 that is a post dealer sample and requires a Law Letter. Will come with some belts. If seriously interested I can get you some pictures and more info. Price $5000.00

Im having issues getting photos to attach. I will post them below. If they won't post there text message me or email if serious and Ill send them directly over. 

If you have questions please don't leave them on this post. Please email me at jpowers8340@sbcglobal.net or text me at 580-695-8340 if I don't answer within 24 hours.



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