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WTS: DIAS (drop in auto sear) ALL STEEL AR-15 Registered fully transferable PENDING


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DIAS - ALL STEEL -  originally designed for the Colt AR-15 model SP-1 rifle and carbine.  BATF paperwork and the light engraving on the bottom of the sear base shows the manufacturer as Dumack Burton Hedditch, North Miami Beach, FL, Serial number 1000.   The DIAS has been test fired in full auto and functions perfectly in a Colt AR-15 using standard M16A1 trigger parts and bolt.


Asking: $34,900


DIAS is ready to transfer to a class III dealer on an NFA e-form 3. Buyer pays $150 shipping FedEx priority. 


Firearm(s) in this ad are possessed by, titled to, and will be shipped by John Norrell Inc.  These are not being brokered and are not third-party sales. Firearm in this ad will be transferred to a class III dealer on an ATF E-form 3.


John Norrell has been a licensed manufacturer and dealer (C-2/C-3) for 35 years and is currently an officer of the U.S. Federal Court appointed in the role as a Special Master administrator to liquidate NFA firearms released directly to us by ATF under court order. All NFA rules apply.


Acceptable payment will be in the form of either a cashier's check or a money order payable to JOHN NORRELL, INC.


This item is listed by, and the website and postings are monitored by E. A. Shelnutt of John Norrell, Inc.  When a party offers the full advertised amount, they are automatically the official buyer and any ongoing negotiations or conversations with other parties are no longer relevant.


Stock no. N-1197







Edited by JNI
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This was designed for the Colt AR-15 model SP-1 rifle and carbine.  It has been test fired in that type rifle and functioned perfectly.  We make no guarantees on any other type rifle.  If you have a gunsmith that you use, you might want to check with them.

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To add to JNI's explanation of fitment...RDIAS' will fit any AR15 receiver where the interior rear "pocket" of the receiver is milled to the original SP1 spec.  My guess is the majority of the new AR15 receivers currently produced are milled to the SP1 spec.  Those receivers are commonly referred to as "low shelf" receivers.  As a multiple RDIAS owner, I have used Bushmaster, DPMS, SpikesTactical, plus a couple other "specialty" lowers as RDIAS hosts.  HTH

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Thanks, that’s helpful. I have HK machine guns but I’m not clear how the DIAS works vs a RR M16. I assume it just converts the semi auto selector to be safe, full auto.  Is that correct?  Is there a way to put a selector for safe, semi, full in a lower with a DIAS?  I assume you can get lowers marked safe, semi, full in today’s market and just drop the DIAS in?

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Hi John,

Frank Iannamico here, the guy that had a paint issue... resolved thanks.

ANYWAY, I wish you would have lowered the price of your sear a day earlier. I bought an aluminum DIAS on Gunspot the day before : - )

Happy New Year!



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1 hour ago, ScottRod said:

Thanks, that’s helpful. I have HK machine guns but I’m not clear how the DIAS works vs a RR M16. I assume it just converts the semi auto selector to be safe, full auto.  Is that correct?  Is there a way to put a selector for safe, semi, full in a lower with a DIAS?  I assume you can get lowers marked safe, semi, full in today’s market and just drop the DIAS in?

You need a full auto LPK which can be had for ~100 and then you drop it in and the upper holds it in place. It replicates a RR auto sear but can be moved from host to host instead of drilled and pinned. 

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To use drop in sear for AR you need a full auto bolt carrier (most common today but there are some that are semi only), a full auto selector,  and the full auto hammer.  Drop in the sear with those and you should be good to go.  The full auto selector rotates an extra 45 degrees to the "full" position.  It also works in semi if only rotated to the semi position.  You can get new semi auto receivers with the "Full" markings already done.  You can switch lowers on a whim with one caveat - you are supposed to remove the full auto selector and hammer if they are left in the semi only receiver once the autosear is removed.  This is VERY easily done.  My understanding is this is done to avoid "constructive possession" of conversion parts in an unregistered receiver (ATF "regulation").  Oh - any upper can be added to the receiver with the autosear installed (no SBR issues).  Same thing if you remove the autosear - make sure than any SBR uppers are removed from the now semi again lower (don't create an unregistered SBR by being lazy and not removing the short barreled upper after you pull the sear).  There are no caliber restrictions.  I hope that this helps.  Others can chime in if I've missed anything (or given poor advice).  Good luck!  They are very versatile and work great (my experiences).  

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4 hours ago, Bwana said:

To use drop in sear for AR you need a full auto bolt carrier (most common today but there are some that are semi only), a full auto selector,  and the full auto hammer. 

"constructive possession" of conversion parts in an unregistered receiver (ATF "regulation").

need a disco

CP is not a thing with the LPK b/c you have a dias, even if its not installed. There is nothing illegal about have a M16 LPK in a AR. Now if it malfunctions after ATF testing and you DONT own a DIAS, you would get railroaded.

The CP argument is nearly always misused.

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