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WTS Bare stripped Semi Receivers/ RSP M240, M249,1919A4,PTR 91

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Some semi receivers or rsp guys what you see is what you get, I had to register due ca laws and building after said stupid law comes in or more stumped laws are suddenly on the books so all must ship to 

also have JNC M240 semi rsp bare must ship to ffl $600.00  240 is sold pending funds 

1919A4 semi rsp bare must shipp to FFL $600.00 

M249 Semi receiver bare must ship to FFL  $600.00 sold pending 

PTR 92 receiver bare must ship to FFL $599.00










Last of my M60 stuff

M60 trunnion semi auto receiver channel , rail set that’s out of spec I was going to build a semi set of these , semi auto bolt tail , rear sight included 

$1295.00 obo shipped receiver has to go through FFL M60 stuff is sold pending funds 






Edited 3 hours ago by baker72

Edited by baker72
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