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WTS: TSC HK MP5k with Fleming Sear in 0,1,3,F burst pack


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Transferable HK MP5k sbr with Fleming registered sear in an 0,1,3,F burst trigger pack.  This was converted from an all German HK SP89 by TSC Machine.  B&T folder and rail installed.  This is 2 stamp gun one for SBR and 1 for Fleming Sear on form 4s in Texas.  Low round count.  Comes with 2 30 round MP5 mags.  I will pay the first stamps if out of state transfer.  Asking 35k for both.

Not interested in trades, but willing to sell pack and host separate.  PM me with any questions or additional pics.  100% Bank Certified funds due up front to start the paperwork.  All NFA rules apply.

Thanks for looking.





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