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MSAR StG 5.56 / Steyr AUG 10rd and two 20rd magazines 3/$70 shipped

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WTS MSAR StG 5.56 / Steyr AUG magazines .... 10rd and 20rd
MSAR 20rd .... fit and function in my Steyr AUG .... 

^^^  Perfect  for shooting off a bench  or  shooting prone ^^^

Brand new mags .......      One 10rd and Two 20rd Mags  ...... 

take all 3 mags for $70 shipped. 

Payment Options.........
Discreet Paypal +3%  [ Preferred ]
Required within 24 Hours
US Postal Money Order
Required within 5 days

Please email me directly  at  buddyhinton@hotmail.com

No PM's

When you email me ....tell me HOW you wish you Pay....... either Discreet Paypal or a US Postal Money Order .... this speeds things up a bit.

Thanks for Looking




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