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M16 Manual August 1966 100 pages

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WTS M16 Manuals - 3 different .. 
Selling off my M16 / AR15 manual collection ......
Postage ......... 
Small manuals ........ $5 first class mail.
Large manuals......... $8
Several manuals ..... $8
$8 is US Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope 
Payment Options.....
Discreet Paypal +3%  [ Preferred ]
Required within 24 Hours
US Postal Money Order
Required within 5 days

Please email me directly  at  buddyhinton@hotmail.com

No PM's

When you email me ....tell me HOW you wish you Pay....... either Discreet Paypal or a US Postal Money Order .... this speeds things up a bit.

Thanks for Looking


Each manual has a number ....... order by number
Details ......

1.  8 x 11 ....... August 1968 ..... 60 pages ..... $15 ** SOLD ** 

2.  5 1/2 x 7 1/2 .......  August 1966 ..... 100 + pages .....  $10 

3.  8 x 11 ..... September 1971 ....... 49 pages ...... $15 ** SOLD ** 
4.  5 x 5 ........  1985 ....... 48 pages ....... $5 each. [ 3 available ] ** ALL SOLD ** 








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