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Bren Mk. I .303 paperweight

John Tejas

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I have a customer with a Bren MK 1 chambered in .303, which was imported into the States as a movie prop. Its original manufacturer was John Inglis Company of Canada. I have copies of the paperwork which show it was demilled. The date on the demill work in the UK was October of 1997. I also have a separate source for all of the parts to upgrade this to a fully functional MG. If you have the where with all and the license to do this, and are interested, please let me know. My friend is perfectly cool with a pre-buy inspection in Houston, Texas. This piece is currently in an Aussie Army shipping container which is included in the deal.

Will directly furnish photos to interested parties. I can set up a phone conference or face time with the owner and interested parties.

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JEEZ ? WHERE TO START WITH THIS ONE?  GUYS DONT GET TOO EXCITED !   UK DEMIL PROCEDURE IS WORTHLESS LANDED HERE  in order to be legit it has to be exactly like all the other thousands of CUT BRENS you been looking at.   if not, please place your hands together like your praying and surrender. this smells just like those first Russian Thompsons selling on ebay with a defaced bolt/ milled barrel BUT A COMPLETLY INTACT RECEIVER. no no no NO NO NO NO!

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