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WTB: East German 7.92 mm


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I am looking for east german steel case ammo, I got plenty PPU & Virgin brass my STG-44/MP-44 loves steel case, so looking for more boxed or loose  I am not looking for gunshow prices or gun broker prices  

Looking for WW2 german or czech repack if you have it 

let me know what you got

send a PM

Edited by sprat
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66¢ per round ...... a tad high ?   RARE ORIGINAL AMMO ..... and your rifle likes it .......

thats cheaper than Czech 7.62x45 ..... Lots of rifles .... LITTLE choice on ammo ..... NO PPU on this caliber yet many THOUSANDS of Vz52 here in US ....... FAR MORE than StG44 rifles ........ go figure !!

thats cheaper than .30-06 !     NOT RARE AMMO

I understand the not shipping part ........ still won't hurt to ask 

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I bought a  batch a while back it was about 50 cents a round,  but if he would consider me paying for the shipping. I may go for it

Thanks again for the heads up


 I sent him a PM and replied to his ad


balls in his court

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