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WTT four transferable Fleming HK auto sears


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After my lawyer decided I needed to get an FFL/SOT for my reasearch and design I've decided that I might as well buy post samples then hanging on to expensive transferables. I'm not in need of money, so don't have a cash price for these. I know people will want a cash price, all I can say is throw me a number, we can go from there. Just don't expect me to jump at $25k each, I know what these have been going for as do most everyone else who is reading this. 

As far as trades I'm most interested in post may stuff, if it doesn't need a law letter that would be the perfect thing as I'm an importer so can buy these. Pre may might have some interest. Other transferables might have interest to me. Military armor would be of interest, maybe an uparmoered Hummer? I'd be interested in semi firearms as well, can't say there is anything I won't look at in trade. Gold, silver, Rolex watches, land? 

I've got one set up SEF for a K, one in a burst pack for a 308, and one in a SEF for 9mm. I have hosts that can be added if that's what you wish to offer for. The fourth is not in a pack currently. 

The only premay I currently have is a HK53 so that one I wouldn't have interest in trading for.

Thanks for the board space, please email me at dmiiiconsulting@gmail.com or message me on here.


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