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WTS: H&K Post 86 Dealer Samples

Sienna Armory

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I have several very nice H&K post-86 dealer samples available for sale.

These guns are in MY inventory on a Form 3 and in my possession. 

All guns will require FFL, SOT, and LE Demo letter for transfer.

Consecutive set of H&K UMP40's
One mag and 2 tac-rails each. 
Excellent to like-new condition. 
4-position trigger packs (safe, semi, 2rd burst, and full auto). 
Tritium night-sight front sights. 
$1550 EACH or $3000 SHIPPED for the consecutive pair. 
Guns are lettered as "UMP40".

H&K MG36 w/ surefire rail system
Heavy-barrel squad-support version of the G36E/K.
Includes G36E / MG36 SureFire foregrip that still works perfectly.
The bipod compatible foregrip and new H&K bipods can be purchased from HKparts.net for $150. 
Excellent condition with H&K picatinny rail and fixed iron sights. 
One 30rd H&K G36 magazine is included. 
Front iron sight hood has been trimmed. 
Trigger pack is safe, semi, full auto. 
$3500 SHIPPED or best offer. 
Gun is lettered as "MG36".

Consecutive set of H&K G36K's 
Excellent condition with H&K picatinny rail and fixed iron sights. 
One 30rd H&K G36 mag is included with each 
$2500 each, SHIPPED or best offer
Trigger pack is safe, semi, full auto. 
Guns are lettered as "G36K". 

I have other guns available and more incoming - just call and ask.

Please call me at 281-467-5424 or email me at SiennaArmory@gmail.com






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Edited by Sienna Armory
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