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WTS M1 and M2 Carbine trigger housing assemblies

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WTS like new M1 Carbine trigger assemblies $300-$350, plus shipping. Shipping paid on two or more. USPS money order made payable to PEMCO. 12 Elkhorn  ct Mills River,  NC  28759 M1, Saginaw Gear, Standard Products, IBM.    M2.  Rock Ola, and Island.  $10 shipping. 

Thanks..PEMCO 20210416_140946.jpg

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1 hour ago, dbwebbsr said:

I’ll take the M2 Inland. 

As indicated in the post the price is $350 plus $10 shipping.  Please send USPS money order to PE McClendon, 12 Elkhorn Court, Mills River, 28759.  Will ship upon receipt of funds.  Will hold for 10 days and if funds not received will consider transaction terminated.  Thanks, PEMCO34

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1 hour ago, Dutch11 said:

I'll take the rock ola

As indicated in the post the price is $350 plus $10 shipping.  Please send USPS money order to PE McClendon, 12 Elkhorn Court, Mills River, NC 28759.  Will ship upon receipt of funds.  Will hold for 10 days and if funds not received will consider transaction terminated.  Thanks, PEMCO34

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